تجارب ادارية: دراسة عن الإسباب و الأساليب التي تجعل الابتكار يحقق الميزة التنافسية في الشركات

تجارب ادارية: دراسة عن الإسباب و الأساليب التي تجعل الابتكار يحقق الميزة التنافسية في الشركات


Study about innovation that deliver competitive advantages for organisation ( why and how)

قالة التالية تتحدث عن نتائج دراسة أجريت على عدد ٥١٩ شركة في ١٢ قطاع مختلف على مستوى ٣ دول رئيسية هم فرنسا و بريطانيا و الولايات المتحدة. هذه الدراسة أجرتها شركة اكسنتشر و كان الهدف منها معرفة الوضع الحالي لنشاط و ممارسات الابتكار في الشركات في وضع اقتصادي عالمي لا يسمح أن يصبح الابتكار نشاط يكلف أكثر مما يعطي فكان من الضروري معرفة افضل الأساليب التي تجعل الابتكار يحقق الهدف الذي تسعى له الشركات و هي تحقيق الميزة التنافسية التي تحافظ على بقاء الشركة و تضمن لها استمرارية النمو في السوق

هذه الدراسة تحدد أسباب التي تجعل الابتكار مكلف و غير مفيد في بعض الشركات و تقترح هذه الدراسة تبني بعض الأساليب التي تجعل الابتكار محقق للميزة التنافسية بناءا على تجارب ناجحة لشركات ناجحة في هذا المجال

The following articles gives a new insight of new direction of innovation. I summarizes the study bellow and you can read the full one online here:


May 13, 2013 – Despite increased business investment in innovation, only 18 percent of executives believe their company’s innovation efforts deliver a competitive advantage, according to a new Accenture (NYSE:ACN) study.

The findings reveal that among the main reasons that innovation results fall short are too much “renovation” in place of breakthrough ideas, and too much “invention” against the challenge of commercializing at scale. Sixty-four percent of respondents said they are focused on product line extensions rather than big ideas.

The Accenture study shows that those companies which have institutionalized formal innovation management systems, compared to those that have not, are almost twice as likely to say they were very satisfied with their initial idea generation abilities

Accenture also found that companies with a formal system in place are 75 percent more likely to define their innovation strategy as delivering a competitive advantage

“The bottom line is that innovation can work better when a formal system exists to streamline processes, manage risks and mine the data needed to generate new products, services and business models to foster growth,” said Adi Alon, a managing director in the Accenture Innovation and Product Development practice. “Approached correctly, innovation can be executed at scale, with speed and balance between renovation and game changing initiatives; driving higher strategic and commercial value.”

Accenture, through its research identified five key elements involved in creating a formal innovation system. Those include end-to-end processes that contribute to speed and flexibility; unique, personalized customer experiences that can foster loyalty and enhance revenues; the application of risk management to help drive innovation with analytics, processes and tools; integration of the customer voice through the use of big data and social media; and frugal innovation that can reduce complexity to shorten time to market, reduce the cost of innovation, disrupt business models and serve the emerging middle class in developing countries.


مصدر المرجع

Reference: http://newsroom.accenture.com/news/accenture-study-innovation-efforts-falling-short-despite-increased-investment.htm

Author: Hussein

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